Created at 2017-11-30 03:56:23 , with PHPMetrics v2.3.2 (Jean-François Lépine).

Percentile distribution of logical lines of code by class



Class LLOC CLOC Volume Intelligent content Comment Weight
Groove_AAQuickView_Block_Button 23 37 43.94 8.79 46.9
Groove_AAQuickView_Block_Container 4 17 0 0 49.22
Groove_AAQuickView_Block_Product_View 31 39 214.05 55.04 45.77
Groove_AAQuickView_ProductController 31 18 175.81 28.44 40.35
Groove_AAQuickView_Helper_Data 23 41 100 48.15 47.29
Groove_AAQuickView_Model_Observer 65 33 792.23 139.18 39.13