Created at 2017-12-05 15:32:34 , with PHPMetrics v2.3.2 (Jean-François Lépine).
Violations (0 criticals, 5 errors)
Maintainability / complexity

Each file is symbolized by a circle. Size of the circle represents the Cyclomatic complexity. Color of the circle represents the Maintainability Index.

Large red circles will be probably hard to maintain.

ClassRank (Google's page rank applied to relations between classes)
Class ClassRank
Harvest_Exception 220.68 0.42
Harvest_Abstract 86.23 0.24
Harvest_Range 76.36 0.02
Harvest_Task 220.76 0.02
Groove_Harvest_Model_Cache_Processor_Abstract 83.67 0.02
Harvest_DayEntry 220.73 0.02
Harvest_InvoiceMessage 220.77 0.01
Harvest_Payment 220.76 0.01
Harvest_Project 88.17 0.01
Harvest_InvoiceItemCategory 220.74 0.01
Harvest_Invoice 220.85 0.01
HarvestReports 63.58 0.01
Harvest_Invoice_Filter 79.38 0.01
Groove_Harvest_Helper_Data 107.01 0.01
Harvest_Result 89.06 0.01
Harvest_TimeZone 80.37 0.01
Harvest_User 220.85 0.01
Harvest_UserAssignment 220.74 0.01
Harvest_Timer 93.64 0.01
Harvest_Throttle 220.73 0.01
Groove_Harvest_Block_Adminhtml_Dashboard_Project_Active 55.03 0.01
Harvest_TaskAssignment 220.75 0.01
HarvestAPI 53.1 0.01
Harvest_ExpenseCategory 220.75 0.01
Groove_Harvest_Model_Resource_Api_Result_Collection 61.03 0.01
Groove_Harvest_Model_Resource_Api_Result 81.26 0.01
Groove_Harvest_Model_Api_Adapter 74.5 0.01
Groove_Harvest_Model_Cron 87.88 0.01
Groove_Harvest_Model_Cache 80.56 0.01
Groove_Harvest_Model_Cache_Processor_Default 75.71 0.01
Groove_Harvest_Model_Cache_Processor_Reload 74.53 0.01
Harvest_Category 220.7 0.01
Harvest_Client 220.75 0.01
Groove_Harvest_Helper_Time 85.99 0.01
Harvest_Expense 220.79 0.01
Groove_Harvest_Block_Adminhtml_Dashboard_Abstract 171 0.01
Harvest_DailyActivity 79.21 0.01
Harvest_Contact 220.76 0.01
Harvest_Currency 78.8 0.01
Groove_Harvest_Model_Api_Result 78.06 0.01
Composer dependencies
Package Required Latest License
No composer.json file found
No composer.lock file found
Licences of Composer dependencies
No composer.json file found