Created at 2017-11-30 04:21:00 , with PHPMetrics v2.3.2 (Jean-François Lépine).
Violations (0 criticals, 1 errors)
Maintainability / complexity

Each file is symbolized by a circle. Size of the circle represents the Cyclomatic complexity. Color of the circle represents the Maintainability Index.

Large red circles will be probably hard to maintain.

ClassRank (Google's page rank applied to relations between classes)
Class ClassRank
Groove_ImageClean_Model_Resource_Queue 70.27 0.36
Groove_ImageClean_Model_Resource_Queue_Item_Collection 126.57 0.07
Groove_ImageClean_Model_Resource_Queue_Item 220.22 0.07
Groove_ImageClean_Model_Queue_Item 111.11 0.07
Groove_ImageClean_Model_Resource_Stats 91.53 0.07
Groove_ImageClean_Model_Cron 93.84 0.07
Groove_ImageClean_Block_Adminhtml_System_Config_Field_Queue 78.02 0.07
Groove_ImageClean_Adminhtml_ImagecleanerController 80.36 0.07
Groove_ImageClean_Helper_Data 107.06 0.07
Groove_ImageClean_Block_Adminhtml_Stats 108.37 0.07
Composer dependencies
Package Required Latest License
No composer.json file found
No composer.lock file found
Licences of Composer dependencies
No composer.json file found