Created at 2017-12-01 22:38:01 , with PHPMetrics v2.3.2 (Jean-François Lépine).

Percentile distribution of logical lines of code by class



Class LLOC CLOC Volume Intelligent content Comment Weight
Groove_InteractLog_Block_Adminhtml_Profile_Edit_Form 11 22 53.77 41.36 47.68
Groove_InteractLog_Block_Adminhtml_Profile_Edit_Tab_Log 54 69 338.58 160.68 45.85
Groove_InteractLog_Block_Adminhtml_Profile_Edit_Tab_Main 43 48 929.18 232.84 45.12
Groove_InteractLog_Block_Adminhtml_Profile_Edit_Tab 11 22 14 16 47.68
Groove_InteractLog_Block_Adminhtml_Profile_Edit 23 27 194.51 74.1 45.4
Groove_InteractLog_Block_Adminhtml_Profile_Grid 43 51 479.92 123.22 45.58
Groove_InteractLog_Block_Adminhtml_Profile_Log 15 29 42.11 17.55 47.57
Groove_InteractLog_Block_Adminhtml_Profile 12 22 41.36 34.47 47.39
Groove_InteractLog_Block_Container 17 27 31.02 12.41 46.84
Groove_InteractLog_Adminhtml_Interactlog_IndexController 24 28 72.65 22.79 45.36
Groove_InteractLog_Adminhtml_Interactlog_ProfileController 58 64 582.85 47.08 45.45
Groove_InteractLog_ReceiveController 77 40 1035.88 56.65 39.35
Groove_InteractLog_Helper_Data 4 17 0 0 49.22
Groove_InteractLog_Model_Cron 12 24 87.57 40.14 47.68
Groove_InteractLog_Model_Observer 25 28 148.68 42.89 45.14
Groove_InteractLog_Model_Profile_Log 16 28 25.85 7.39 47.22
Groove_InteractLog_Model_Profile 40 45 278.63 53.07 45.16
Groove_InteractLog_Model_Resource_Profile_Collection 8 22 2 4 48.52
Groove_InteractLog_Model_Resource_Profile_Log_Collection 8 22 2 4 48.52
Groove_InteractLog_Model_Resource_Profile_Log 8 22 4.75 9.51 48.52
Groove_InteractLog_Model_Resource_Profile 8 22 4.75 9.51 48.52