Created at 2017-12-22 00:49:27 , with PHPMetrics v2.3.2 (Jean-François Lépine).
15 (100 %)
0 (0 %)
average LCOM
logical lines of code by class
logical lines of code by method
Class LCOM Volume Class cycl. Max method cycl. Bugs Difficulty
Groove_TeamProfile_Block_Adminhtml_Profile_Widget_Chooser 4 1656.58 7 3 0.55 6.92
Groove_TeamProfile_Block_Adminhtml_Teamprofile_Edit_Form 1 64.53 1 1 0.02 1.6
Groove_TeamProfile_Block_Adminhtml_Teamprofile_Edit_Tab_Form 6 1453.01 5 2 0.48 7.64
Groove_TeamProfile_Block_Adminhtml_Teamprofile_Edit_Tab 1 14 1 1 0 0
Groove_TeamProfile_Block_Adminhtml_Teamprofile_Edit 3 116 2 2 0.04 2.42
Groove_TeamProfile_Block_Adminhtml_Teamprofile_Grid 7 822.95 3 2 0.27 6.12
Groove_TeamProfile_Block_Adminhtml_Teamprofile 2 48 1 1 0.02 1.83
Groove_TeamProfile_Block_Template 1 172 5 3 0.06 6.59
Groove_TeamProfile_Block_Widget_Template 0 0 1 0 0 0
Groove_TeamProfile_Adminhtml_Teamprofile_WidgetController 1 76.11 1 1 0.03 0.9
Groove_TeamProfile_Adminhtml_TeamprofileController 2 1253.61 13 7 0.42 20.37
Groove_TeamProfile_Helper_Data 0 0 1 0 0 0
Groove_TeamProfile_Model_Profile 5 204.37 3 2 0.07 6.04
Groove_TeamProfile_Model_Resource_Profile_Collection 1 2 1 1 0 0
Groove_TeamProfile_Model_Resource_Profile 1 4.75 1 1 0 0