Created at 2017-12-01 22:38:01 , with PHPMetrics v2.3.2 (Jean-François Lépine).


Afferent coupling (AC) is the number of classes affected by given class.
Efferent coupling (EC) is the number of classes from which given class receives effects.
Class Afferent coupling Efferent coupling Instability ClassRank
Groove_InteractLog_Block_Adminhtml_Profile_Edit_Form 0 3 1 0.05
Groove_InteractLog_Block_Adminhtml_Profile_Edit_Tab_Log 0 4 1 0.05
Groove_InteractLog_Block_Adminhtml_Profile_Edit_Tab_Main 0 5 1 0.05
Groove_InteractLog_Block_Adminhtml_Profile_Edit_Tab 0 2 1 0.05
Groove_InteractLog_Block_Adminhtml_Profile_Edit 0 3 1 0.05
Groove_InteractLog_Block_Adminhtml_Profile_Grid 0 5 1 0.05
Groove_InteractLog_Block_Adminhtml_Profile_Log 0 2 1 0.05
Groove_InteractLog_Block_Adminhtml_Profile 0 2 1 0.05
Groove_InteractLog_Block_Container 0 3 1 0.05
Groove_InteractLog_Adminhtml_Interactlog_IndexController 0 2 1 0.05
Groove_InteractLog_Adminhtml_Interactlog_ProfileController 0 2 1 0.05
Groove_InteractLog_ReceiveController 0 3 1 0.05
Groove_InteractLog_Helper_Data 0 1 1 0.05
Groove_InteractLog_Model_Cron 0 3 1 0.05
Groove_InteractLog_Model_Observer 0 2 1 0.05
Groove_InteractLog_Model_Profile_Log 0 2 1 0.05
Groove_InteractLog_Model_Profile 0 2 1 0.05
Groove_InteractLog_Model_Resource_Profile_Collection 0 1 1 0.05
Groove_InteractLog_Model_Resource_Profile_Log_Collection 0 1 1 0.05
Groove_InteractLog_Model_Resource_Profile_Log 0 1 1 0.05
Groove_InteractLog_Model_Resource_Profile 0 1 1 0.05